Before your vasectomy
READ AND COMPLETE THE CONSENT FORMS included in the downloadable packet below.
READ THE PATIENT INFORMATION PACKET It will answer most of your questions.
DON’T TAKE ASPIRIN, MOTRIN, ADVIL, COUMADIN, LOVENOX, CELEBREX, PLAVIX, OR PRADAXA one week prior to the procedure. These medications increase bleeding. Call the office at (512) 238-0762 with any questions or concerns regarding medication.
SHAVE YOUR SCROTUM prior to the procedure. (Your consent form explains which part.)
YOU WILL NEED A DRIVER to and from the procedure. You will be unable to operate heavy machinery after the procedure unless you choose not to have IV sedation.
DON’T EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING for 3 hours prior to the procedure.
BRING AN ATHLETIC SUPPORT to your appointment. You will wear it home and for up to 2 weeks after the procedure. This is important. It will reduce your swelling and pain. We have support available to purchase in the office.
BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE A URINE SAMPLE at check-in. It is standard practice to check urine for an infection prior to having an office procedure to protect your health. This is very important.