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How to Prepare for Your Vasectomy

Before the Vasectomy Procedure

Avoid all aspirin and aspirin-containing products (such as Bufferin, Excedrin, Alka Seltzer) for five days before the vasectomy. Also, stop ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories two days before the vasectomy. Herbal remedies containing garlic or ginseng should be stopped for one week and ginkgo biloba for 36 hours. You may use Tylenol at any time.

You should stay on clear liquids on the day of your procedure. Some men can become nauseated from the sedatives, and it is best to have an empty stomach. If you are choosing IV sedation, do not eat or drink anything 3 hours prior to your procedure.

When to Schedule

We perform most of our procedures on Thursday or Friday so that you can have the weekend to recover. For those that have active hobbies, such as running or cycling, it is important that you don’t schedule your vasectomy when you are most anxious to get back to your workout regimen. Although most men are fully recovered in two days, it is wise to keep your activity fairly light for about a week to maximize healing.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

We ask that all patients shave their entire scrotum from the penis downward. Shaving the hair will make the procedure go much more smoothly and doing it in the office can be especially messy. It’s usually best to do this the night before in the bath/shower – you might be nervous on the day and slip! Use wet shaving, and get a safety razor if you can because using an electric razor can cause a shaving rash, causing doctors to delay the surgery.

What to Bring

All men wanting to have some form of sedation during the procedure (highly recommended) will need a ride home and a known person to pick them up. This is for your safety and it is especially important to have someone stay with you if you choose to have IV sedation. Although rare, some patients may respond to the sedatives with excessive sleepiness and difficulty breathing well after the procedure is completed.

What to Wear

We recommend wearing loose-fitting comfortable pants, a jockstrap without a cup and shoes that are easy to put on. Sedation can make it difficult to put on pants or shoes. Wearing a jockstrap after the procedure is crucial in reducing swelling and pain. Tight-fitting underwear is not an alternative to a jockstrap.

Vasectomy Patient Information

Why choose NAU Urology Specialists for your vasectomy?

Vasectomy sounds pretty good to most guys who are considering male birth control. That is, until they start worrying about the actual snip. You’ll be happy to know that our Austin urology group offers the “Mistry Vasectomy,” which is a whole new approach.