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HoLEP Surgery

HoLEP surgery is a no-incision laser treatment for an enlarged prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is condition that causes an enlarged prostate. Almost all men experience this common problem as they grow older. The condition can cause symptoms such as a slow or weak urine flow and an inability to fully empty the bladder. Our Austin urologists offer several treatment options for BPH, including minimally invasive HoLEP surgery.

HoLEP is a shorter way to say holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. During this surgery, our urologists employ laser beams to remove tissues in the prostate that are blocking a man’s urine stream.

What happens prior to HoLEP surgery?

After our urologists diagnose BPH, they consider which treatment is best for each individual’s prostate health. If our Austin urologists decide on the HoLEP procedure, patients need to have blood work and a urinalysis before the surgery. Many men need one or more other tests, such as imaging tests or urodynamic testing.

How our urologists perform the surgery

For many patients, HoLEP surgery is an outpatient procedure, but some men need to stay in the hospital for a night or two. Here are the basic steps our surgeons perform.

  • The anesthesiologist administers general anesthesia, or spinals for certain patients.
  • Our urologist inserts a rectoscope through the urethra. This instrument allows the surgeon to insert a laser into the prostate. The rectoscope also includes a camera to provide a view of the surgical area.
  • The laser sends pulsating beams into the prostate to get rid of tissue that is blocking or slowing urine flow from the prostate.
  • Our urologist removes the rectoscope and inserts an instrument called a morcellator to remove the tissue, retaining some of it to send for an analysis.
  • Surgery is complete in one to three hours.

Recovering from surgery

After surgery, patients have a urinary catheter until the day after surgery. Here are some things patients can expect after a HoLEP procedure.

  • Blood in the urine that can persist for several weeks
  • Painful, burning urination
  • Symptoms such as frequent urination, waking up at night to go to the bathroom, or feeling the sudden urge to urinate. These can last for several months, but should improve over time.

What are the benefits of this type of surgery for an enlarged prostate?

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), a standard treatment for blockages in the prostate, uses a heated wire loop to remove blockages in the prostate. HoLEP surgery uses lasers to do the same thing, but HoLEP technology provides better outcomes for patients. The benefits include fewer complications after surgery, shorter time spent in surgery, and less need to repeat the procedure.

See our Austin urologists for BPH treatment options

Every patient who has an enlarged prostate is different, and HoLEP surgery isn’t right for everyone. Our urologists are experienced experts who will figure out which BPH treatment is the best option for every man’s circumstances. Contact us for an appointment.