We get asked a lot of questions about testosterone, and sometimes patients are afraid to ask certain things. Maybe they don’t want to ask at a conference, or perhaps online because they feel it might be too personal. So, we decided to focus on addressing some of those common concerns about testosterone.
One question revolves around PSA levels, and how those are impacted by testosterone. There’s plenty of confusion and concern when the PSA number shifts.
Understanding the Role of Testosterone and PSA
Let’s talk about age-specific PSA ranges. Not every doctor uses these, but they can help show your proper levels of testosterone and if you are experiencing male hypogonadism.
The older a man gets, the higher the accepted PSA, because we’re trying to find out if men have prostate cancer. PSA isn’t always bad, in fact, testosterone therapy helps it to act as a helpful indicator.
It’s a check engine light to show something wrong. But just lowering the PSA, or stopping it, won’t tell us anything or change the actual result. Normal testosterone should be the aim.
PSA Is Only An Indicator
Men need to realize the goal isn’t getting the number low. The objective is showing men with cancer with this marker, but it could indicate a different underlying issue too. If you get treatment for lowering just the PSA levels, that does not necessarily eliminate the underlying health problems or improve sex drive.
If a check engine light goes off in your car it could indicate a number of things. Sometimes all that is needed is a new gas cap that regulates muscle mass.
Some people just want the indicator, or PSA level, to disappear so they no longer need to deal with the idea of what it could mean. Our goal isn’t to lower the number at all costs, even if it’s considered high testosterone. The real aim should be figuring out who has prostate cancer that we need to focus on to support the treatment that man’s life and check the status of the pituitary gland.
The Real Goal of Catching It Early
The key goal here is figuring out who actually has something very serious happening. Finding younger guys, is an important way we look at the numbers. We want to support the function of the adrenal gland in adult males.
At NAU Urology Specialists, we look for the 48-year-old, and use the numbers of when the person is below 50 to be at a level two or below. The number of 60-year-olds and below would have a 3 marker and below.
These numbers are just averages of ranges we see. If you’re looking at national ranges you’ll likely see 4 listed, however you’re missing valuable indicators. It’s also important to make sure your body continues as a male sex organ.
Modern Testing is Less Intrusive
Over 20 years ago, training options to look for any kind of cancer indicators were incredibly limited, with biopsies that were quite involved and quite uncomfortable. Around 1 to 3 % can even cause serious infection. These medical conditions should be taken seriously.
Thankfully now, though, technology evolved. It is wonderful to be able to further categorize people by understanding if you have risks by something called the 4K test, along with the other blood test options available.
It helps you learn and analyze risks that exist. In cases where it does indicate potential problems, there are steps you can take that might catch problems sooner rather than later and act as a form of testosterone replacement.
Testosterone’s Impact on PSA
When testosterone levels go from one range to another, it’s wise to just check it again. An MRI helps rule out things, however it’s up to each professional to look at how the body reacts to new inputs, as each person may react differently to replacement therapy.
We see guys who, at young ages, experience shifts in ranges below 3 with major problems. Every man will experience hormone shifts as a rule, however with testosterone you won’t generally see more than a 0.7 raise, on average.
Significant jumps like a two point one or greater in 6 weeks indicate some deeper problems at play. Numbers are matched to different situations with overall life, with it not being a singular approach, such as testosterone replacement therapy.
Take Control Of Your Care
Question everything from all your different professionals. Some might give really bad definitive responses, though, but you should trust what doctors say in this area to heart. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because things like testosterone blood levels should be important to you.
With questions coming in from across the country we’ve helped tons of people. Men came from Midland for vasectomies, and we’ve had them from Washington too.
Even all the way from Abu Dhabi. He flew over to specifically to come here.
Hormonal Changes and Aging
Hormone changes are big in men too as they get older. These age related adjustments vary depending on health too. This includes changes in the testosterone hormone.
There’s really an infinite range. Even men who reach that sixth decade, around 60 years old, differ based on if they work or exercise often. You might see a whole range of testosterone effects impacting everything from hair growth to muscles and notice different male characteristics from other men.
We can still be involved in a man’s whole life too. Even decades ago, a 40 year-long working life was considered standard, as men now participate and engage for a lot longer. Make sure your adrenal glands produce what you need.
Testosterone As a New Baseline
A lot of guys who’ve had a new baseline and been on testosterone for around 3 years don’t recall how bad things previously were. The changes are more gradual as the levels change more often over time. Your testicles produce testosterone so we must monitor.
Even those 6’2 men, are potentially impacted in bigger ways from side problems that can exacerbate symptoms. Often it ties to maintaining levels but somewhere the levels decline even to feeling differences.
By balancing yourself with some key hormone focuses, then that becomes better to support areas of your life. It is helpful for keeping bone strength too. Ovaries produce testosterone as well, so this is a human issue, not just male.
Longevity Impacts with Testosterone
Here are ways to increase longevity:
- Maintain bone strength to prevent falls and fractures.
- Address sleep apnea to minimize risks.
- Stay active and prioritize fitness for general well-being.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet to nourish your body.
Some even suggest there’s big value in keeping bones strong to increase long life. If it dips too far, there’s too much risk that you’ll need support on it, especially to grow pubic hair. The hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
Many times other challenges exist for bigger set men too. There could be an absence of that necessary airflow and pressure issues.
Sleep apnea comes with bigger risks to stroke chances as well. People will put in earphones instead to deal with their partner snoring, however that won’t resolve the true problem, unfortunately. Low testosterone can lead to the development of blood clots so it must be managed.
Symptom | Potential Solution |
Loud Snoring | Consult with a sleep specialist |
Daytime Fatigue | Consider CPAP therapy |
Morning Headaches | Evaluate sleep position and environment |
Irritability/Mood Swings | Explore lifestyle changes, weight management |
The aim is figuring out solutions. Maybe you focus more on fitness and exercise, perhaps just working at eating better, it could be anything, but small steps do add up. The pituitary gland must be in good health.
There are several different options though including CPAP too, if truly required. If it exists, it is best to at least figure it out before continuing. Testosterone plays a vital role in fetal development.
We want people living better and healthier with it acting like a useful thing, as part of full approach to help men thrive. Having the proper levels helps support the growth of external reproductive organs and the increase of red blood cells. The right levels will enhance libido.
The approach looks at your energy too, to find approaches that guide you on different challenges. The impacts from testosterone will depend from man to man, and a plan takes into account all facets. You must consider if the use of an anabolic steroid is impacting you.
You must assess potential areas that you struggle and act. In all these situations you can act. We want people living their fullest possible lives with proper sperm production.