Choose From Two Options for Vasectomy Anesthesia
At NAU Urology Specialists, our Austin vasectomy surgeons offer two forms of vasectomy anesthesia to ensure the best possible experience for our patients. Offering a choice of vasectomy sedation options empowers you to take control of your own surgery experience.
Option 1: Local anesthesia
The vasectomy procedure can be done with local anesthetic by first numbing the skin over the vas deferens using a needleless injector. Once the area is numb, the nerves around the vas deferens can be further anesthetized, if needed.
Option 2: Vasectomy sedation
While it is not necessary for the procedure, our Austin vasectomy surgeons recommend vasectomy sedation. It makes the procedure faster and easier for both the patient and the doctor. The scrotum is more relaxed, and the vas deferens is more easily accessed.
Sedation is administered through an IV with a small needle in the vein. The fast-acting medication allows most patients to sleep through the procedure and wake up with a short recovery time. With sedation, few patients have a memory of the procedure.
If you are choosing IV sedation, do not eat or drink anything 3 hours prior to your procedure.
NAU Urology Specialists offer in-office sedation
In-office vasectomy sedation is a convenient benefit that NAU’s Austin vasectomy surgeons offer to our patients. Our patients’ sedation is carefully monitored by a certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA) or a clinical nurse specialist (CNS), who remains in the room with the urologist throughout the procedure.
All patients who choose sedation will need someone they know to drive them home. No patient who received sedation will be allowed to drive off the premises or use a rideshare service (e.g. Uber).
Choose your preference for vasectomy anesthesia before your procedure
Every patient will have a vasectomy pre-procedure consultation with their NAU vasectomy surgeon. This offers an opportunity for patients to have all of their questions regarding vasectomy anesthesia – and all other aspects of the vasectomy – answered prior to the procedure. Additional details about this important visit are available on our vasectomy pre-procedure consultation page.
For more information about vasectomy anesthesia or vasectomy sedation options, or to schedule a vasectomy with our Austin urologists, please contact NAU Urology Specialists.