Shy bladder has physical and psychological impacts
Many people know the term “shy bladder.” The medical term is “paruresis,” and it is when a person has trouble urinating away from home or with other people around, regardless of how strong the need is. Although the term is often used jokingly, it can become a significant problem for some people, affecting their health and quality of life. Our North Austin urologists encourage people not to allow this condition to continue to affect their lives, and to seek treatment.
Addressing the medical concerns
Shy bladder is considered a social anxiety disorder, but it is important first to see a urologist to rule out any medical conditions that might cause urinary retention, or the inability to empty the bladder.
This condition affects people of all ages and both men and women, though it is more common in men. A urologist can check for infections, blockages and nerve damage that can affect a person’s ability to urinate. The doctor will also review your medications, as some can make it difficult to urinate.
If shy bladder affects a person’s life to such a degree that they have difficulty with work, family and social life, the urologist may teach a patient to self-catheterize. While this does not solve paruresis, it does provide relief for the patient and can help prevent damage to the bladder from constantly “holding it.”
Psychological help for paruresis
If the urologist rules out a medical reason for paruresis, the next step is to see a specialist in anxiety disorders. This professional may work with the patient using cognitive behavioral therapy, graduated exposure therapy, breathing exercises or medication.
Seeking mental health therapy for shy bladder is essential, not only for quality of life but also for physical health. Holding urine in your bladder can lead to urinary tract infections, damage to bladder muscles, and urinary incontinence (leaking urine).
Don’t ignore shy bladder symptoms
Paruresis rarely resolves on its own. It usually gets worse over time. Our North Austin urologists can help you take the first steps in resolving your issues with shy bladder. Our goal is to get you on the path to mental and physical health. Contact North Austin Urology for an appointment.