The Mystery of the “Mistry Vasectomy” Revealed!

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Armor Men’s Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee .

Dr. Mistry: 

Hello and welcome to the Armor Men’s Health Hour. I’m Dr. Mistry, your host, here’s always with my effervescent and ever awesome cohost, Donna Lee.

Donna Lee: 

New word alert!

Dr. Mistry: 


Donna Lee: 

Effer-awesome! I’ll take it. I’m effer-awesome, y’all.

Dr. Mistry: 

Donna Lee is not just my cohost on this show. She is also the office manager of our awesome, effer-awesome medical practice at NAU urology specialists. We are a urology specialty practice. I am a board certified urologist and the founder of our practice. We have four doctors, four PA and nurse practitioners, including the awesome Leonora Brown.

Donna Lee: 

That’s right. They Leonora Brown. And we also added a new one.

Dr. Mistry: 

Yeah, we added a new one. She’s going to start soon.

Donna Lee: 

We had growth.

Dr. Mistry: 

We have a physical therapy, we have two physical therapists, pelvic floor physical therapists. We have sex therapy. We offer nutritional counseling. And if you have a urologic condition and you want to a real simple approach that may not work for you, don’t come here.

Donna Lee: 

If you want a pill, go somewhere else.

Dr. Mistry: 

Yeah, that’s right. If you want somebody to take care of you and find out for the long run, what’s going to be best for you, whether it be nutritional counseling in addition to medications that are traditional, in addition to surgeries that are traditional, or, you know, approaches that try to take into account multiple different types of approaches to the body, this is the kind of thing that we really enjoy doing. Very proud of the product that we put forth.

Donna Lee: 

That’s right. We have lots of patients. We see all the time over and over for their injections or follow ups , but it’s nice. Cause when I, before I started with you in urology, I thought urology was like a onetime thing. You go to urologist , you have a surgery, you’re done. But with our group, it’s so holistic and so evolved that [inaudible].

Dr. Mistry: 

A lot of patients stay with us. In fact, in fact, we have, we have one group around town that’s mad because they think we steal their patients.

Donna Lee: 

Well, maybe we do.

Dr. Mistry: 

And we do not. Are you kidding? He’s going to call back. I can’t take it. And I say to him, “You refer to us because we’re good. And then your patients stay with us for something that we do better than you. And now you’re mad at us?”

Donna Lee: 

Technically it’s not stealing if they hand us the patient.

Dr. Mistry: 

…And the patient says they want to come, right?

Donna Lee: 

So we do all this amazing hormone testing and treatment. We have a ton of patients who just stick around just for that.

Dr. Mistry: 

Well, we’re not trying to steal anybody, but…

Donna Lee: 

Yes we are.

Dr. Mistry: 

You’re really going to get mad at us now, in any case, because I’m pretty sure he listens every week just to catch on our secrets .

Donna Lee: 

Did I mention I’m a comedian and that was a joke?

Dr. Mistry: 

I mean , you know what this time of year is the lead up to? It’s one of my favorite times of the year.

Donna Lee: 


Dr. Mistry: 

In just a mere two months is going to be the seventh annual pre-Thanksgiving Mistry vasectom-athon.

Donna Lee: 

That means we work Saturdays. Nobody likes that.

Dr. Mistry: 

It’s Sunday, this year, and Monday, and every other day.

Donna Lee: 

Monday through Friday, how about that?

Dr. Mistry: 

It is the super bowl, super bowl of vasectomies around here. We do almost 20 vasectomies in two days. And that’s just per provider. Your wife gets mimosas.

Donna Lee: 

Yeah. And chocolates while you’re wait , we have TV going for the kiddos.

Dr. Mistry: 

Years ago, I learned that for some reason, men like to get their vasectomy on the Friday before Thanksgiving. And I think it so they don’t have to help around the house.

Donna Lee: 

I am certain of that .

Dr. Mistry: 

And this year when nobody’s traveling and everybody’s going to stay at their house, I cannot think of a better time to get your vasectomy. And if you want to avoid the rush, get it right now.

Donna Lee: 

Yeah. Just call us now anyway. Don’t wait until that vasectom-athon, but it is fun to say.

Dr. Mistry: 

I’m surprised at the number of misconceptions men have about the vasectomy. And a lot of them don’t know how to prepare. And some of the things about, one of the aspects of our practice that makes it a little more difficult is that we offer something called a single visit vasectomy. That’s because we have respect for your time. And most of the people that come in wanting a vasectomy, they know what it’s about, so they don’t need to be convinced. So having you come to our office, wait in the waiting room, wait to see us for me to just, you know, check the equipment out to make sure that everything’s fine and then give you an explanation and have you have to come back several weeks later, it seems like an incredible waste of your time.

Donna Lee: 

And you have to pay copays sometimes twice.

Dr. Mistry: 

Twice. So what we do is we offer a single visit vasectomy. You come in, we talk to you about the procedure, get your consents , and then do the procedure. And the reason we can do that is because we are one of the only practices that offers IV sedation for your vasectomy. And that allows you to be completely competent and consentable before and completely out of it during.

Donna Lee: 

Before you get high.

Dr. Mistry: 

Because if you go to another practice and they give you a Valium, and you take that before you come into the visit, you’re actually not legally, somebody could argue that you were not legally consentable, so you should not have been, you shouldn’t have a single visit procedure. You should have one sober and one on the Valium. But because we do the IV sedation, we have that option of offering a one visit.

Donna Lee: 

And for those that don’t know, it’s quick, the IV sedation. You’re out.

Dr. Mistry: 

Oh, you’re out, you’re out in like 30 seconds, and you’re back up in about 20 minutes. And so the procedure takes about about 10 to 15 minutes. The standard way done in our practice is going to be through a single incision. No metal clips are used, we use only dissolvable stitches. We separate the two ends of the vas deferens, which are the tubes that transport the sperm from the testicle to the prostate. We cut it. We separate them with a little bit of muscle in between, so we don’t have to use metal clips. And then we just use one stitch to close the skin because we’ve only done one incision. We do both sides, both the right and left testicles. People often ask how many there are, if I’ve ever seen three or any of these kind of strange things. No, no, no, people have two.

Donna Lee: 

Just don’t [inaudible].

Dr. Mistry: 

That’s right. Unless they’ll have one, only have one testicle. Which was and we don’t charge half if you only have one testicle, people ask that. You get full price.

Donna Lee: 

You should totally charge half.

Dr. Mistry: 

No, no, no, no. It’s full price service. Full price service. He already had to live like that. Two testicle, one testicle, same price.

Donna Lee: 

Half-off code is half nut.

Dr. Mistry: To prepare for the procedure you need to come in, we do need you to shave your scrotum. That’s just the part underneath the penis. On the top of the scrotum, people often ask.

Donna Lee: 

You don’t want Dr. Mistry to do it.

Dr. Mistry: 

I’m still looking for a scrotum shaving model. So if anybody out there would like a free vasectomy, give me a call.

Donna Lee: 

My husband?

Dr. Mistry: 

They can’t be that old. Again in our target demographics, please. After the procedure, you’re going to walk right out of here. We sell jock straps here, you don’t even need to bring that. In terms of complications, you know, we worry anytime you put on the skin and we worry about bleeding or infection, so we give you an antibiotic. If you take it really easy over the weekend or in the next couple of days, you’re unlikely to bleed. You know, watch picking up those kids watch mowing the lawn. I had one of my favorite ones, a friend came in once and then he was a guide and he went out deer hunting right afterwards and riding a tractor–his recovery was a little rougher. Don’t walk around, sit on the couch, enjoy yourself, watch Netflix, you know, watch that entire series. And then, you know, no house work’s allowed, no cleaning dishes, no doing laundry, no standing, you can’t be shouted at, and you must be catered to.

Donna Lee: 

You write that on a prescription sometimes.

Dr. Mistry: 

That’s correct.

Donna Lee: 

That’s for the wife.

Dr. Mistry: 

“Must be catered to.” You know, or girlfriend, or mom.

Donna Lee: 

Or mistress.

Dr. Mistry: 

Probably the weirdest person I’ve ever had pickups somebody was their mother-in-law. Mother-in-law or sister-in-law.

Donna Lee: 

It’s OK. It’s a driving person who’s sober. That’s all that matters.

Dr. Mistry: 

Yes. But you know, they just got their, you know.

Donna Lee: 

Their who-who worked on.

Dr. Mistry: 

Their yam-yams. The vasectomy is so commonly performed that we do, I do about 12 a week. I limit myself to four a clinic day, although on some days like Fridays, we may do a little more or special events, like right before the Super Bowl or right before Christmas or right before Thanksgiving, we’ll do a few more just because a lot of men want to use that added time to relax. Well, what are some other questions that you commonly hear? Well, patients always want to know what the single visit means. And then I always go into great detail, but like what you just said, they come in for the procedure and the same day they can have the procedure done. Again, that saves a copay if the insurance covers it. Your insurance is in charge, two visits. A lot of the patients are wondering that if it’s no scalpel, then they ask about the stitch, but you’re saying it’s dissolvable. That’s right. The stitch is dissolvable, and then people wonder how we get into the scrotum if we don’t use a scalpel, and what we use a special tool to spread the skin, it’s called a no-scalpel vasectomy. The way a patient described it to me, interestingly, was they understood that it was kind of like tearing the skin along its own fault line so it heals much more cleanly and less likely to get infected.

Donna Lee: 

A patient told you that?

Dr. Mistry: 

That’s right. That’s how, that’s how they kind of conceptually understood it. And I was like, “Oh, I’ll use that myself.” It makes it so that you get right down on the vas deferens. I’ll use this term because I’ve seen other people do vasectomies. You don’t want anybody digging around down there. You want, you want them know exactly what they’re doing.

Donna Lee: 

No junk digging.

Dr. Mistry: 

Not every vasectomy is the same. You know, there are delicate, fine, beautiful vasectomies, and there are things that you’d rather not have seen. One of our big add ons or differentiators that we really take the nerves right off that vas deferens to minimize the type of pain you’re going to have afterwards. And I think that we’ve had exceptional outcomes. Another thing that people wonder about is how are they going to make sure it works ? You’ll do a semen analysis at 6 and 10 weeks. And would you believe that we’re the only place I know of that will look at your semen here for free afterwards. In other practices, you have to pay $70, $150 bucks per semen analysis. Compliance rates are very low, but you’ve got to pay that. We give you the cups for your semen when you leave. And that semen analysis is free, it’s free lifetime semen analysis, like getting your tires rotated for free for the lifetime of your car. Whenever you’re worried, you wake up a year from now in a cold sweat, worried that you may have gotten your wife pregnant–don’t you worry. We’re still here for you. We’ll make sure that we’ll make sure that you know that you’re still shooting blanks.

Donna Lee: 

Funny . You know what I call our vasectomy? The “Hey Babe” vasectomy, because a hundred percent of the patients when they see their wives in the lobby, they they’re a little bit high and they go, “Hey, babe!”

Dr. Mistry: 

And they thought that their little, their little monkey name was unique. How do people get a hold of us or book a vasectomy?

Donna Lee: 

You can visit our website, and the Mistry Vasectomy page is right there. And hey, there’s a little video for you to watch. You can call us at (512) 238-0762 . And our placed email is

Speaker 2: 

The Armor Men’s Health Hour is brought to you by Urology Specialists. For questions, or to schedule an appointment, please call (512) 238-0762 or online at